Civil Engineer & Software Engineer
Engineer, composer and poet. A person committed with arts and science. Focusing chaos engineering and computer science fields, he aims to merge two distinct engineering fields, civil and software engineering. Spending most of the time on his projects, arts and music, he achieved a multi-directional personality and applies different characteristics of one expertise on the others.
Civil Engineering
He is interested in the development of the whole Civil Engineering Industry with the modern world and technology. However, he works mostly on Transportation Engineering and Traffic Engineering.
Software Engineering
Software Architecture and Software Design are the main working areas of him. Having 4 years of Game Development experience led him to previsualize the problems and provide systems which are long-term solutions. According to him, a well designed architecture is timeproof.
'Classically composed pieces within the perspective of romanticism.'
He lives in the 19th century in terms of music, The Romantic Era. Just like the other romantic pianists, a piano is a life requirement for him and a useful tool for tunneling between real life and emotional backface.
Listening to tasty music is not sufficient as an opposition to expression desire. With the help of classically trained musical knowledge, he is committed to the musical composition to strive against emotional mental pressure.